
Dr. Mohammad Shahed Hasan Khan Tushar

অধ্যাপক ড. মোহাম্মদ শাহেদ হাসান খান তুষার


  •  Phone:   880-1758509929
  •  PABX:   205
  •  Email:
Field of Research
  •  Biomass conversion
  •  Renewable Energy
  •  Heterogeneous catalysis
  •  Waste Management

  •  First Joined: 24th Apr, 2003
  •      Dept. of Mechanical Engineering



Book / Book Chapter
Journal Articles
Conference Papers
SL Authors Title Publisher Details Publication Year Type
1 Das, B. K., Tushar, M. S. H. K., Zaman, F. Techno-economic feasibility and size optimisation of an off-grid hybrid system for supplying electricity and thermal loads. Energy, 215(A), 119141. 2021 Journal
2 Das, B. K., Tushar, M. S. H. K., Hassan, R. Techno-Economic Optimisation of Stand-alone Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems for Concurrently Meeting Electric and Thermal Loads. Sustainable Cities and Society, 68, 102763 2021 Journal
3 Das, B. K., Hassan, R., Tushar, M. S. H. K., Zaman, F., Hasan, M., Das, P. Techno-economic and environmental assessment of a hybrid renewable energy system using multi-objective genetic algorithm: A case study for remote Island in Bangladesh Energy Conversion and Management, 230, 113823 2021 Journal
4 Tushar M.S.H.K., Dutta A. Efficiency Analysis of Crude Versus Pure Cellulase in Industry Springer, Singapore, pp. 283-298 2020 Book Chapter
5 Tushar, M. S. H. K., DiMaria, P. C., Al-Salem, S. M., Dutta, A., Xu, C. C. Bio-hydrogen Production by Catalytic Supercritical Water Gasification: A Comparative Study ACS Omega, 5, 25, 15390–15401 2020 Journal
6 Hasan, S. M., Tushar, M. S. H. K., Rahman, M. H., Shimu, A. R. An Optimized Design of Electromagnet and Float for a Magnetic Suspension System Acta Electronica Malaysia (AEM), 3(1), pp.14-18. 2019 Journal
7 Xu, C. C., Liao, B., Pang, S., Nazari, L., Mahmood, N., Tushar, M.S.H.K., Dutta, A., Ray, M.B. Biomass Energy Elsevier, pp. 770-794 2018 Book Chapter
8 Tushar, M. S. H. K., Dutta, A., Xu, C. C. Catalytic supercritical gasification of biocrude from hydrothermal liquefaction of cattle manure Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 189, 119-132. 2016 Journal
9 Tushar, M. S. H. K., Dutta, A., Xu, C. C. Simulation and kinetic modeling of supercritical water gasification of biomass International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 40(13); pp. 4481–4493. 2015 Journal
10 Tushar, M. S. H. K., Dutta, A., Xu, C. C. Effects of reactor types, operating conditions and challenges for SCWG of real wet biomass. Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 207-228 2014 Book Chapter
11 Acharya, B., Dutta, A., Mahmud, S., Tushar, M. S. H. K., Leon, M. Ash Analysis of Poultry Litter, Willow and Oats for Combustion in Boilers Journal of Biomass to Biofuel, 1; pp. 16-26. 2014 Journal
12 Tushar, M.S.H.K., Mahinpey, N., Khan, A., Ibrahim, H., Kumar, P., Idem, R. Production, characterization and reactivity studies of chars produced by the isothermal pyrolysis of flax straw Biomass & Bioenergy, 37; pp. 97–105 2012 Journal
13 Tushar, M.S.H.K, Mahinpey N., Murugan P. Mani T. Analysis of gaseous and liquid products from pressurized pyrolysis of flax straw in a fixed bed reactor Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 49; pp. 4627-4632 2010 Journal
14 Shahadat, M., M. Z., Nabi, M. N., Tushar, M. S. H. K. Combined Effect of EGR and Inlet Air Preheating on Engine Performance in Diesel Engine International Energy Journal, RERIC, AIT, 9(2), pp. 109-116 2008 Journal
15 Islam, M.R., Tushar, M.S.H.K., Haniu, H. Production of liquid fuels and chemicals from pyrolysis of Bangladeshi bicycle/rickshaw tire wastes. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 82(1); pp. 96-109 2008 Journal
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